Historical Prices and Wages (HPW): Datafiles

01 April 2019 - 10:17

This is the welcome page for the datafiles of the Historical Prices and Wages project, with a link to the datasets.

The Historical Prices and Wages dataset (HPW) is an extensive collection of various datasets and datafiles. These contain the research on prices and wages throughout the 13th century to the present in regions and countries from all over the world. Within you can find data on, for example, the price of grain in 17th century Amsterdam, the price of different goods in Chile between 1673 and 1769, and wages in Massachusetts between 1630 and 1883.

These are the results of decades of research by individuals and research groups worldwide such as the The Allen Unger Commodities Dataset (Bob Allen and Richard Unger), the Global Price and Income History Group, and many more.

The datasets and datafiles can be found at the IISH Datasets website.
