Claire Auzias Collection

32 digitized audiotapes and 30 digitized audiocassettes with interviews with libertarians. Transcriptions of interviews, copies of documents, notes and bibliographical references relating to Auzias' publications 'La grève des ovalistes: Lyon juin-juillet 1869' and 'Mémoires libertaires: Lyon 1919-1939'. In the introduction of this thesis Auzias wrote: "Dix-huit militants libertaires furent questionnes des heures durant sur ce que fut leur activite politique et syndicale, leur vie familiale, profesionnelle, associative, culturelle. Tous accepterent notre intrusion dans leur passe avec plus que complaisance, chaleur et soutien. Ils recurent ce projet avec une extreme courtoisie, nous aidant de conseils, directions de recherches, suggestions et remarques qui, souvent, nous tirent d'embarras. Ils mirent a notre disposition leurs temoignages et reflexions, leurs documents prives: presse, brochures, photographies. Ce travail, en remerciements et en symphaties, leurs est dedie: sans eux, il n'eut ete cette approche orale du mouvement libertaire" (Eighteen libertarian activists were questioned for hours about what was their political and trade union activities, their family life, professional, associative, cultural. All accepted our intrusion into their past with more than complacency, warmth and support. They received this project with extreme courtesy, helping us with advice, directions for research, suggestions and remarks that often help us out. They put at their disposal their testimonies and reflections, their private documents: press, pamphlets, photographs. This work, in thanks and sympathy, is dedicated to them: without them, it was not this oral approach of the libertarian movement). Some interviews (Gaston Illy, 1977) held by Daniel Colson and Annik Houel. In the edition of 1993 of her thesis she writes more specific on role/profession of her sources (p. 12). Accrual 2013 (photocopies from CIRA in Lausanne, Switzerland): transcriptions of interviews held by Claire Auzias with Louis Buronfosse 1977, Marius Chabany 1977, Antoine Marsella and Marie-Louise Marsella-Massoubre 1977, 1980, Pierre Masneuf 1978 and Lorenzo Ruiperez 1977, 1979.

Claire Auzias Collection

32 digitized audiotapes and 30 digitized audiocassettes with interviews with libertarians. Transcriptions of interviews, copies of documents, notes and bibliographical references relating to Auzias' publications 'La grève des ovalistes: Lyon juin-juillet 1869' and 'Mémoires libertaires: Lyon 1919-1939'. In the introduction of this thesis Auzias wrote: "Dix-huit militants libertaires furent questionnes des heures durant sur ce que fut leur activite politique et syndicale, leur vie familiale, profesionnelle, associative, culturelle. Tous accepterent notre intrusion dans leur passe avec plus que complaisance, chaleur et soutien. Ils recurent ce projet avec une extreme courtoisie, nous aidant de conseils, directions de recherches, suggestions et remarques qui, souvent, nous tirent d'embarras. Ils mirent a notre disposition leurs temoignages et reflexions, leurs documents prives: presse, brochures, photographies. Ce travail, en remerciements et en symphaties, leurs est dedie: sans eux, il n'eut ete cette approche orale du mouvement libertaire" (Eighteen libertarian activists were questioned for hours about what was their political and trade union activities, their family life, professional, associative, cultural. All accepted our intrusion into their past with more than complacency, warmth and support. They received this project with extreme courtesy, helping us with advice, directions for research, suggestions and remarks that often help us out. They put at their disposal their testimonies and reflections, their private documents: press, pamphlets, photographs. This work, in thanks and sympathy, is dedicated to them: without them, it was not this oral approach of the libertarian movement). Some interviews (Gaston Illy, 1977) held by Daniel Colson and Annik Houel. In the edition of 1993 of her thesis she writes more specific on role/profession of her sources (p. 12). Accrual 2013 (photocopies from CIRA in Lausanne, Switzerland): transcriptions of interviews held by Claire Auzias with Louis Buronfosse 1977, Marius Chabany 1977, Antoine Marsella and Marie-Louise Marsella-Massoubre 1977, 1980, Pierre Masneuf 1978 and Lorenzo Ruiperez 1977, 1979.