Anne-Lot Hoek


Anne-Lot Hoek is an independent historian, researcher and author. She obtained her PhD on colonial violence, resistance and state formation in Indonesia (Bali) 1846-1950 and published De strijd om Bali. Imperialisme, verzet en onafhankelijkheid 1846-1950 (De Bezige Bij, 2021) which was shortlisted (top 5) for the Libris History Price (2022). From 2012 onwards, she wrote extensively about the Indonesian independence war for NRC Handelsblad, De Groene Amsterdammer and Vrij Nederland. In 2016 and 2017 she was a fellow at the KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies and journalist-in-residence at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS). In 2020 she received the Valorization Price for her work on Indonesia at the University of Amsterdam. Since 2021 Hoek has been editorial board member of history at the Flemish-Dutch magazine de lage landen, and since 2023 she is also a regular book reviewer at the Historische BoekenCast.

Currently she is performing research for her new book on South Africa and Namibia. Her master’s thesis dealt with human rights violations during the Namibian independence war (UvA 2005) for which she lived in Windhoek to carry out an internship at a human rights organization. After that she worked for several years at the African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL) on the history of Dutch development cooperation and performed research by conducting interviews in Zambia, Cameroon, Mali and Bolivia. She recently returned to Namibia and South Africa for half a year to perform research on colonial legacies.


Anne-Lot Hoek