Open Archief presents : Re:Use Clinic #1 - Copyrights, 25 February 2021

08 February 2021 - 16:44

On 25 February, Open Archief is organizing a public event for heritage professionals and interested parties in the creative reuse of heritage collections. These Re:Use clinics address matters essential for reusing collections and for the process of makers.

The kick-off will be a clinic about ‘Copyright’. Copyrighted heritage is often not suited for creative reuse.  

What exactly do we mean by 'open collections', and how can you reuse their materials? How do you find out how "open" your found archival item is? What is the importance of copyright protection and the importance of freely accessible material? And what are your rights as an artist?

 Moderator Brigitte Jansen will host talks by Arlette Bekink from Pictoright and Douglas McCarthy on behalf of Open GLAM’S. There will be plenty of time for questions.

Open Archief 2021 Re:Use Clinic #1: Copyright

25-2-21, 10-12am, via Zoom. Link will follow a few days before the event takes place.

Speakers: Arlette Bekink and Douglas McCarthy

Moderator: Brigitte Jansen

Language: English

Register via Eventbrite

Re:Use Clinic #1 logo
Marius Schwarz

Open Archief

Open Archief is a multifaceted, collaborative research project that explores the beauty and innovation that can be inspired by making archival material accessible to artists for creative reuse. Brought forward by three Dutch heritage institutions: Het Nieuwe Instituut (HNI), The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (Sound and Vision), and the International Institute of Social History (IISH). 

Through an artistic residency program, a symposium, and several workshops throughout the year, Open Archief brings media artists and heritage institutions together to discuss the importance of creative reuse of heritage and of making digital collections available. Our Re:Use Clinics are workshops and presentations which invite archival institutions and artists to discuss the use of archival material.



Brigitte Jansen is graphic designer and project manager in the cultural field. As a designer, Brigitte is interested in combining forms from the physical and digital world. Her design, both analog and digital, always has a relation to the user and user-experience.

Brigitte has worked for different cultural institutions as a project leader, art mediator or curator. She led diverse research projects in finding innovative ways to present digital heritage. She favors creative reuse as a way to explore new possibilities to talk about heritage and works with young artists to create new stories and contexts.

Follow her work at:

Photo by Sebastiaan ter Burg, (CC-BY)


Douglas McCarthy

Douglas McCarthy is a prominent voice in Open GLAM, the global movement promoting culturally appropriate open access to digital heritage. Douglas leads an international survey of open access policy and practice in the GLAM sector with Dr Andrea Wallace of the University of Exeter. He researches and writes extensively about open access, and is the founder and co-editor of the Medium publication Open GLAM, which presents global and multilingual perspectives on open access to cultural heritage, written by leading voices in the field. You'll find him on Twitter as @CultureDoug.

Photo by Sebastiaan ter Burg, CC BY 4.0


Arlette Bekink - Pictoright

Arlette Bekink is Manager collective rights at Pictoright. Pictoright is the author’s rights organisation for visual creators in the Netherlands: illustrators, artists, graphic designers, photographers and other professional image creators. Pictoright distributes collective royalties, manages copyrights for artists, provides legal assistance, offers advice and strives for a better copyright position for image creators.

Arlette manages the collective rights. For visual creators, it is not possible (or hardly possible) to enforce these rights individually. She is responsible for the collection and the distribution of collective remunerations. Part of her job is to take care of the interests of visual creators when negotiating on contracts for online archives, but she tries to this while taking into account the interests of cultural heritage institutions too. She can tell more about Extended Collective Licensing in Europe and about a new guideline Pictoright has developed concerning Appropriation Art.