Open Archief presents : Re:Use Clinic #1 - Copyrights, 25 February 2021
On 25 February, Open Archief is organizing a public event for heritage professionals and interested parties in the creative reuse of heritage collections. These Re:Use clinics address matters essential for reusing collections and for the process of makers.
The kick-off will be a clinic about ‘Copyright’. Copyrighted heritage is often not suited for creative reuse.
What exactly do we mean by 'open collections', and how can you reuse their materials? How do you find out how "open" your found archival item is? What is the importance of copyright protection and the importance of freely accessible material? And what are your rights as an artist?
Moderator Brigitte Jansen will host talks by Arlette Bekink from Pictoright and Douglas McCarthy on behalf of Open GLAM’S. There will be plenty of time for questions.
Open Archief 2021 Re:Use Clinic #1: Copyright
25-2-21, 10-12am, via Zoom. Link will follow a few days before the event takes place.
Speakers: Arlette Bekink and Douglas McCarthy
Moderator: Brigitte Jansen
Language: English
Register via Eventbrite