Vocabulary Page (Value Lists)

21 May 2024 - 12:24

Historical concepts can be described using standardized vocabularies. Three steps are required for coding historical concepts:

  1. standardization of titles,
  2. grouping into codes
  3. assigning status codes. 

For example, “farm lab” gets standardized into “farm labourer”, which gets the HISCO code 62110 or OCC1950 code 820. In turn, these codes can be turned into a class score, such as HISCLASS 8 “Farmers and fishermen”,  or an occupational status score, such as  51 on HISCAM or 50 on Nam-Powers-Boss.

A sizable number of conversion tools exists to move between vocabularies and are listed on the main page.

Cause of death

Causes of death are being standardized for multiple European countries by the SHiP project. The associated researchers will also provide a crosswalk to convert the standardized causes of death into the Historical International International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD10h).

Standardized occupational titles for Sweden are available at SwedPop(link is external). Other titles are forthcoming.


Occupational schemas are by far the most standardized. Researchers have been using occupational status schemes for several decades, which has resulted in clear pipelines for processing occupational information.

Standardized occupational titles are available at the IISH dataverse(link is external) and SwedPop(link is external).

Occupational titles can be grouped into occupational groups using intermediate coding schemes. In Europe this is generally HISCO, a system developed by two historical sociologists, whereas the standards in the USA are OCC1950 and OCC1990, two systems developed by the United States Bureau of the Census.

Occupational groups are assigned occupational status codes, such as Duncan’s socioeconomic index, HISCLASS, HISCAM, Nam-Powers-Boyd occupational scores, Siegel prestige score, SOCPO, and other social status measures.

Place names & spatial (administrative) units

Religious denomination

Large-scale discussions on how to standardize titles and categorize have not started yet. As a result, standardized titles are not available yet and groupings are very broad, as shown by LICR(link is external).

(Household) relations

Large-scale discussions on how to standardize titles and categorize have not started yet. Solutions are available within the schemas: IDS, MOSAIC, and PiCo. 

Data quality flags

Large-scale discussions on how to describe data quality have not started yet. Solutions are available in the schemas: LINKS-gen, MOSAIC, and NAPP.


Large-scale discussions on how to describe data quality have not started yet. Solutions suggested by PiCo schema are retrieve from PROV-O(link is external).

Written text on a page
Photo by Joshua Hoehne | Unsplash