Individual and Household Strategies

03 April 2019 - 11:29

Social inequality can be slowed down or decreased by individual and collective strategies. In this project cluster the IISH studies two themes on individual and household strategies: Life Course Studies and Migration.

Life course studies

Social inequality can be slowed down or decreased by individual and collective strategies. The IISH research group studies both: individual life courses are the centre of the internationally renowned Historical Sample of the Netherlands (HSN), which – together with Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has recently developed a large programme that links patterns of social mobility to developments in social inequality between 1880 and 2000: ‘The rise and fall of equal opportunities. A long term, multidimensional, multi-generational approach to inequality in The Netherlands, 19th-21st century’.



    Social mobility often  overlaps with geographical mobility. By ‘voting with their feet’ people may move elsewhere in  order to better their lot. What is lacking in many studies, however, is a coherent definition. Moreover many scholars tend to ignore internal moves and migrations by high skilled workers.

    To overcome these methodological problems we developed a new typology of cross-cultural migrations (CCMR) and gathered long term structured data that are crucial for comparative research on Europe, Asia and other continents in the past five centuries.

    Using coherent comparable data enables us to intervene in key debates in global history, such as the Great Divergence and evolutionary approaches to human development and social and cultural change, thus combining data gathering with theoretical innovation.

      Key publication

      • Lucassen, L., ‘Connecting the world: Migration and globalization in the second millennium’, in: C. Antunes and K. Fatah-Black (eds.), History and Globalization (Basingstoke, Palgrave 2016) 19-46.
      • Lucassen, J. & L. Lucassen, Eds., Globalising Migration History. The Eurasian experience (16th-21st centuries) (Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2014).
      • Lucassen, J. & L. Lucassen, ‘Theorizing Cross-cultural migrations: the case of Eurasia since 1500’, Social Science History 41 (2017) 3, 445-475.
      • Lucassen, L., J. Lucassen, et al., Cross-cultural migration in Europe 1901-2000: a preliminary estimate. IISH Research Papers. (Amsterdam, IISH 2014).


      • Lucassen, L. & J. Lucassen, Vijf eeuwen migratie: een verhaal van winnaars en verliezers (Amsterdam, Atlas Contact 2018).
      • Stremmelaar, A. & L. Lucassen,  Antisemitism and immigration in Western Europe today. is there a connection? (Amsterdam and London, IISH and EVZ Foundation 2018).

      Key publications

      • Lucassen, L., ‘Peeling an onion: The ‘refugee crisis’ from a historical perspective’,  Ethnic and Racial Studies 41 (2018) 3, 383-410.
      • Houtum, H. van & L. Lucassen (2016). Voorbij Fort Europa. Een nieuwe visie op migratie  (Amsterdam, Atlas Contact 2016).
      • Lucassen, L. & J. Lucassen , Gewinner und Verlierer. Fünf Jahrhunderte Immigration. Eine nüchterne Bilanz (Münster and New York, Waxmann 2014).