Jan Kok

Honorary Fellow

Jan Kok (1959) is historian and has been employed at IISH since 1993. In the past years Jan has worked on the creation of datahubs and collaboratories in social and economic history. He was a member of the Virtual Knowledge Studio, and now participates in the e-Humanities Group of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). At IISH, he takes part in the management of CLIO-INFRA, a large project collecting and standardizing global data on inequality and development.

Jan's own research deals with various aspects of the life course. His projects include social and geographical mobility, the impact of kinship ties on individual life choices, partner selection, family formation and households.

Since 1 December 2010, Jan Kok is professor in Comparative History of the Life Course at Radboud University Nijmegen. Jan is also employed as visiting professor at the Center for Sociological Research of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Finally, he is active as one of the research directors of the NW Posthumus Institute (the postgraduate school for social and economic history, and as co-editor of the History of the Family. An International Quarterly.

IISH Staff | Jan Kok



Life courses in demographic research. The case of the Historical Sample of the Netherlands (1989-); session 'Something old, something new: Using population registers and data from demographic surveillance sites in demographic analysis'

Kok, J. & Mandemakers, K. 03 Nov 2017

Scientific › Paper

Life Courses in Development and in research. The Case of the Historical Sample of the Netherlands (1989-); session 'Development of Major Databases and their Results from the Beginning till Now'

Kok, J. & Mandemakers, K. 03 Nov 2017

Scientific › Paper


Life and Death of Singles in Cities, 1850-1940

Kok, J. & Mandemakers, K. Jan 2016 In : Journal of Urban History. 42, 1, p. 101-120 20 p.

Scientific - peer-review › Article

De rol van gezin en bedrijf bij de migratie van Nederlandse boerenkinderen tussen 1850 en 1940

Mandemakers, K., Mönkediek, B. & Kok, J. 2016 Familie en levenskansen in het verleden. Acco, p. 25-56 (Jaarboek historische demografie)

Scientific - peer-review › Chapter

The Impact of Family Setting and Local Opportunities on Leaving Home and Migration Destinations of Rural Youths, The Netherlands 1860-1940

Mönkediek, B., Kok, J. & Mandemakers, K. 2016 In : Historical Life Course Studies. 3, 2016, 23 p.

Scientific - peer-review › Article


“At Age 27, She Gets Furious”. Scripts on Marriage and Life Course Variation in The Netherlands, 1850-1970

Kok, J. 2014 In : Historical Social Research. 39, 1, p. 113-132

Scientific - peer-review › Article

Demographic Trends since 1820

van der Vleuten, L. & Kok, J. 2014 How was Life? : Global Well-being since 1820 . Paris: OECD Publishing, p. 37-55

Scientific - peer-review › Chapter

Flight from the Land?: Migration Flows of the Rural Population of the Netherlands, 1850-1940

Kok, J., Mandemakers, K. & Mönkediek, B. 2014 In : Espace populations sociétés. Special issue: Les populations rurales en Europe occidentale du 18ème siècle aux années 1960-1970, p. 1 18 p.

Scientific - peer-review › Article

Historical Demography. Understanding Temporal Change, Individual Variation and Regional Persistence.

Kok, J. 2014 In : Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis. 11, 2, p. 237 259 p.

Scientific - peer-review › Article


Falend kerngezin? Opvang van zwakkeren in Nederlandse huishoudens, 1850-1940

Kok, J. & Mandemakers, K. 2013 Gender in/en historische demografie. Jaarboek historische demografie. Matthijs, K., Puschmann, P., Bras, H. & Janssens, A. (eds.). Leuven/Den Haag: Acco, p. 233-258

Scientific › Chapter

Malaria, mijnworm of mannen? Op zoek naar de oorzaken van de oversterfte van vrouwen op Ceylon in de achttiende en twintigste eeuw.

Kok, J. 2013 Gender in/en historische demografie. Matthijs, K. (ed.). Leuven/ Den Haag: Acco, p. 47-70

Scientific › Chapter

Virtual Knowledge in Family History: Visionary Technologies, Research Dreams, and Research Agendas

Kok, J. & Wouters, P. 2013 Virtual Knowledge. Experimenting in the Humanities and Social Sciences.. Wouters, P. (ed.). Cambridge Mass/ London: MIT Press, p. 219-250

Scientific › Chapter


Ahead, not aloof. Frans van Poppel's Contribution to Agenda-setting in Historical Demography.

Kok, J. 2012 Frans van Poppel: a Sort of Farewell. Liber Amicorum. Beekink, E. & Walhout, E. (eds.). Den Haag: Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, p. 17-21

Scientific › Chapter

Inleiding. Het historisch levenslooponderzoek in Nederland en Vlaanderen.

Kok, J. & Matthijs, K. 2012 Leren van historische levenslopen. Matthijs, K., Kok, J. & Bras, H. (eds.). Leuven/ Den Haag: Acco, p. 17-31 (Historisch-demografisch onderzoek in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Jaarboek)

Scientific › Chapter

Leren van historische levenslopen

Kok, J. (ed.), Matthijs, K. (ed.) & Bras, H. (ed.) 2012 Leuven/ Den Haag: Acco. (Historisch-demografisch onderzoek in laanderen en Nederland. Jaarboek)

Scientific › Book

Nuclear Hardship in the nuclear Heartland? Families and Welfare in the Netherlands

Kok, J. & Mandemakers, K. 2012 Leuven: WOG Historische Demografie. (Working papers WOG Historische demografie)

Professional › Report

Upward Mobility Among Different Groups of Migrants an Natives in Stockholm, 1878-1926. An Event History Analysis

Kok, J., Puschmann, P., Gronberg, P. & Matthijs, K. 2012 Leuven: WOG Historische Demografie. (WOG Working Papers)

Professional › Report

Virtual Knowledge in Family History: Visionary Technologies, Research Dreams and Research Agendas

Kok, J. & Wouters, P. 2012 Virtual Knowledge. Experimenting in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Wouters, P. (ed.). Cambridge Mass/ London: MIT, p. 219-250

Scientific › Chapter


Digital thombos: A new source for 18th century Sri Lankan family history. Research note

Belt van de, A., Kok, J. & Mandemakers, K. 2011 In : The History of the Family. 16, p. 481-489

Scientific - peer-review › Article

Household structure, resource allocation and child well-being. A comparison across family systems

Kok, J., Vandezande, M. & Mandemakers, K. 2011 In : Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis. 8, 4, p. 76-101

Scientific - peer-review › Article

The impact of Kin Co-residence on Survival Chances of Infants and Children in the Netherlands, 1863 -1909. A New Methodological Approach

Vandezande, M., Kok, J. & Mandemakers, K. 2011 In : Romanian Journal of Population Studies. 5, 2, p. 139-160

Scientific - peer-review › Article


A Life-Course Approach to Co-Residence in the Netherlands, 1850-1940

Kok, J. & Mandemakers, K. 2010 In : Continuity and Change. 25, 2, p. 285-312

Scientific - peer-review › Article

A mixed effects model of birth spacing for pre-transition populations. Evidence of deliberate fertility control from nineteenth century Netherlands.

van Bavel, J. & Kok, J. 2010 In : The History of the Family. 15, 2, p. 125-138

Scientific - peer-review › Article

An Alternative Approach to Large Historical Databases; Exploring Best Practices with Collaboratories.

Dormans, S. & Kok, J. 2010 In : Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History. 43, 3, p. 97-107

Scientific - peer-review › Article

Atrophied Hearts? Partner Choice and Social Reproduction of Farmers in the North-Western Part of the Netherlands in the 19th and Early 20th Century.

Kok, J., Mandemakers, K. & Damsma, D. 2010 Many Paths to Happiness? Studies in Population and Family History A Festschrift for Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux. Arrizabalaga, M. P., Bolovan, I., Eppel, M., Kok, J. & Nagata, M. L. (eds.). Amsterdam: Aksant, p. 362-387

Scientific › Chapter

De levenskracht der bevolking. Sociale en demografische kwesties in de Lage Landen tijdens het interbellum

Kok, J. & van Bavel, J. 2010 Leuven: Universitaire Pers Leuven. 446 p.

Scientific - peer-review › Book

De levenskracht der bevolking. Sociale en demografische kwesties in de Lage Landen tijdens het interbellum.

van Bavel, J. & Kok, J. 2010 De levenskracht der bevolking. Sociale en demografische kwesties in de Lage Landen tijdens het interbellum. Kok, J. & van Bavel, J. (eds.). Leuven: Universitaire Pers Leuven, p. 9-22

Scientific › Chapter

Eindrapportage Hublab-2. Naar succesvolle implementatie van het Liferay platform in historisch onderzoek

Kok, J. & Dormans, S. 2010 [s.l: [s.n.].

Professional › Report

IISH Guidelines for preserving research data: a framework for preserving collaborative data collections for future research

Kok, J., Doek, A., Heerma van Voss, L., Hofmeester, K. M. & van der Werf-Davelaar, T. 2010 [s.l: [s.n.].

Professional › Report

Leven in de Lage Landen. Historisch-demografisch onderzoek in Vlaanderen en Nederland.

Matthijs, K., van de Putte, B., Kok, J. & Bras, H. 2010 Leuven en Den Haag: Acco. 295 p.

Scientific › Book

Many Paths to Happiness? Studies in Population and Family History A Festschrift for Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux.

Arrizabalaga, M. P., Bolovan, I., Eppel, M., Kok, J. & Nagata, M. L. 2010 Amsterdam: Aksant. 593 p.

Scientific › Book

Pioneers of the Modern Lifestyle? Childless Couples in the Early Twentieth-Century Netherlands

van Bavel, J. & Kok, J. 2010 In : Social Science History. 34, 1, p. 47-72

Scientific - peer-review › Article

Review of Noriko O. Tsuya, Wang Feng, George Alter, James Z. Lee et al.Prudence and Pressure. Reproduction and Human Agency in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900. [Review of: N.O. Tsuya (2010) Prudence and Pressure. Reproduction and Human Agency in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900.]

Kok, J. 2010 In : Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis. 7, 3, p. 96-97

Professional › Book/Film/Article review

Review of R.L.Zijdeman, Status attainment in the Nertherlands, 1811-1941. Spatial and temporal variation before and during industrialization. Proefschrift Universiteit van Utrecht 2010. ICS Dissertation series 164. [Review of: R.L. Zijdeman (2010) Status attainment in the Nertherlands, 1811-1941. Spatial and temporal variation before and during industrialization.]

Kok, J. 2010 In : Mens en Maatschappij. 85, 3, p. 318-321

Professional › Book/Film/Article review

Sibship Size and Status Attainment Across Contexts: Evidence from the Netherlands, 1840-1925

Bras, H., Kok, J. & Mandemakers, K. 2010 In : Demographic Research. 23, 4, p. 73-104

Scientific - peer-review › Article

Studies in Family and Demographic History Compiled to honor the Contributions of Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux. Introduction.

Nagata, M. L., Kok, J., Bolovan, I. & Eppel, M. 2010 Many Paths to Happiness? Studies in Population and Family History A Festschrift for Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux. Arrizabalaga, M. P., Bolovan, I., Eppel, M., Kok, J. & Nagata, M. L. (eds.). Amsterdam: Aksant, p. 9-25

Scientific › Chapter

The Family Factor in Migration Decisions

Kok, J. 2010 Migration History in World History. Multidisciplinary Approaches. Lucassen, J., Lucassen, L. & Manning, P. (eds.). Leiden: Brill, p. 215-250

Scientific - peer-review › Chapter

Uitstel en afstel van ouderschap tijdens het interbellum in Nederland

van Bavel, J. & Kok, J. 2010 De levenskracht der bevolking. Sociale en demografische kwesties in de Lage Landen tijdens het interbellum. Kok, J. & van Bavel, J. (eds.). Leuven: Universitaire Pers Leuven, p. 197-227

Scientific - peer-review › Chapter

Woord vooraf.

Matthijs, K., van de Putte, B., Kok, J. & Bras, H. 2010 Leven in de Lage Landen. Historisch-demografisch onderzoek in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Matthijs, K., van de Putte, B., Kok, J. & Bras, H. (eds.). Leuven en Den Haag: Acco, p. 19-20

Scientific › Chapter


Contrôl social et transmission intergénérationelle de l’âge au marriage en Hollande rurale de 1850 à 1940)

van Bavel, J. & Kok, J. 2009 In : Romanian Journal of Population Studies. 64, 20

Scientific - peer-review › Article

Family Systems as Frameworks for Understanding Variation in Extra-Marital Births, Europe 1900-2000

Kok, J. 2009 In : Romanian Journal of Population Studies. p. 13-38

Scientific › Article

Introduction: historicizing well-being from a gender perspective

Durães, M., Fauve-Chamoux, A., Ferrer, L. & Kok, J. 2009 The transmission of well-being. Gendered marriage strategies and inheritance systems in Europe (17th-20th centuries). Durães, M., Fauve-Chamoux, A., Ferrer, L. & Kok, J. (eds.). Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang, p. 1-49

Scientific - peer-review › Chapter

"Je zoudt maar last van mij hebben”. Verwanten in het Nederlandse huishouden, 1860-1940

Kok, J. & Mandemakers, K. 2009 In : Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis. 6, 4, p. 139-165

Scientific - peer-review › Article

Social control and the intergenerational transmission of the age at marriage, rural Holland 1850-1940

van Bavel, J. & Kok, J. 2009 In : Romanian Journal of Population Studies. E-64, 20, p. 343-360

Scientific - peer-review › Article

The impact of differential socialization on the intergenerational transmission of age at marriage. Rural Holland 1850-1940

van Bavel, J. & Kok, J. 2009 Working paper of the Scientific Research Community Historical Demography WOG/HD/2009/10. p. 1-16

Scientific - peer-review › Contribution to conference proceedings

The transmission of well-being. Gendered marriage strategies and inheritance systems in Europe (17th-20th centuries)

Durães, M., Fauve-Chamoux, A., Ferrer, L. & Kok, J. 2009 Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang. 525 p.

Scientific › Book

Uitzwermen of samenklitten? De ruimtelijke spreiding van broers en zussen over stad en land van Noord-Holland, 1850-1940

Kok, J. & Bras, H. 2009 In : Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis. 6, 4, p. 115-138

Scientific - peer-review › Article

Uspekh ili otbor? Vliianie migratisii na professional’nuiu mobil’nost’ v gollandskoi provintsii v 1840-1950 gg.

Kok, J. & Delger, H. 2009 Istoricheskoe professiovedenie: sozdanie HISCO i issledovaniia professional'noi i sotsial'noi mobil'nosti. Sbornik statei. Vladimirov, V. N. & van Leeuwen, M. H. D. (eds.). Barnaul: Izdatel’stvo Altaiskoigo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, p. 253-292

Scientific › Chapter

Van geboortebank tot collaboratory. Een reflectie op twintig jaar dataverzameling en onderzoek met de HSN

Kok, J., Mandemakers, K. & Bras, H. 2009 In : Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis. 6, 4, p. 3-36 34 p.

Scientific - peer-review › Article


Clustering and dispersal of siblings in the North-Holland countryside, 1850-1940

Kok, J. & Bras, H. 2008 In : Historical Social Research. 33, 3, p. 278-300

Scientific - peer-review › Article


Engelen, T. & Kok, J. 2008 In : The History of the Family. 13, 1

Professional › Article

Evaluation of the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)

van Doorne-Huiskes, A., Lesthaeghe, R. J., Rees, P. H., Boerma, T. & Kok, J. 2008 Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW). 19 p.

Professional › Report

Free Choice from a Limited Supply. The Marriage Market in Two Dutch Provinces, 1840-1940

Kok, J. & Mandemakers, K. 2008 In : Romanian Journal of Population Studies. 2, 1, p. 82-104 23 p.

Scientific - peer-review › Article

Hoge kinderloosheid tijdens het interbellum in Nederland. De rol van godsdienst, levensstandaard en economische crisis

Kok, J., van Bavel, J. & Engelen, T. 2008 Honderdvijftig jaar levenslopen. De Historische Steekproef Nederlandse bevolking. Maas, I., van Leeuwen, M. H. D. & Mandemakers, K. (eds.). Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press, Vol. 83, p. 51-80 (Mens en Maatschappij)

Scientific › Chapter

Hublab.Towards online collaboratories for global data gathering in social and economic history

Kok, J. 2008 Amsterdam: IISG.

Professional › Report

Istochniki dlya istoricheskoj demografii Niderlandov XIX – nachala XXv [Sources for historical demography of the Netherlands in the 19th and early 20th century]

Kok, J. 2008 Istoricheskoe professiovedenie: istochniki, metody, tekhnologii analiza [Studies on historical occupations: sources, methods, technology of analysis]. Vladimirov, V. & van Leeuwen, M. H. D. (eds.). Barnaul, Russia: Barnaul University Press, p. 51-65

Scientific › Chapter

Scientific Report containing the Proceedings of the Conference: The Transmission of Well-being: Marriage Strategies and Inheritance Systems in Europe (17th-20th Centuries)

Kok, J. & van Leeuwen, M. H. D. 2008 Braga, Portugal: University do Minho.

Scientific › Report

Who Married How? Modeling Marital Decisions in Early-Twentieth Century Taiwan

Kok, J., Wang, S. & Chuang, Y. C. 2008 In : Journal of Family History. 33, p. 430-451 23 p.

Scientific - peer-review › Article



Engelen, T. & Kok, J. 2007 In : The History of the Family. 12, 1

Professional › Article


Burden or Opportunity? Illegitimate births in The Netherlands and Taiwan

Gates, H., Kok, J. & Wang, S. 2006 Positive or preventive. Fertility developments in Taiwan and the Netherlands, 1850-1950. Chuang, Y-C., Engelen, T. & Wolf, A. P. (eds.). Amsterdam: Aksant, p. 81-104

Scientific › Chapter

"Eigen baas zijn, da's maar alles". Huwelijksmotivatie van Rotterdammers uit de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw

Kok, J. 2006 Naar Rotterdam. Immigratie en levensloop in Rotterdam vanaf het einde van de negentiende eeuw. van de Laar, P., Lucasssen, L. & Mandemakers, K. (eds.). Amsterdam: Aksant, p. 99-118

Scientific › Chapter

Fertility and Infant and early Childhood Mortality: Some Lessons on Stopping Behaviour from Taiwanese and Dutch cases

Shepherd, J. R., Kok, J. & Hsieh, Y-H. 2006 Positive or preventive. Fertility developments in Taiwan and the Netherlands, 1850-1950. Chuang, Y-C., Engelen, T. & Wolf, A. P. (eds.). Amsterdam: Aksant, p. 163-197

Scientific › Chapter

Group Identity and Fertility: An Evaluation of the Role of Religion and Ethnicity in the Netherlands and Taiwan

Shepherd, J., Pan, I., Kok, J., Engel, C., Engelen, T. & Brown, M. 2006 Positive or preventive. Fertility developments in Taiwan and the Netherlands, 1850-1950. Chuang, Y-C., Engelen, T. & Wolf, A. P. (eds.). Amsterdam: Aksant, p. 121-161

Scientific › Chapter

Marital fertility and birth control in rural Netherlands and Taiwan, 19th and early 20th centuries

Kok, J., Yang, W. S. & Hsieh, Y-H. 2006 Positive or preventive. Fertility developments in Taiwan and the Netherlands, 1850-1950. Chuang, Y-C., Engelen, T. & Wolf, A. P. (eds.). Amsterdam: Aksant, p. 199-235

Scientific › Chapter

Repliek: Bestaat de historische sociologie?

Kok, J. & van Leeuwen, M. H. D. 2006 In : Tijdschrift voor Sociologie. 27, 1, p. 94-96

Scientific › Article

Sources for the historical demography of The Netherlands in the 19th and early 20th centuries

Kok, J. 2006 Positive or preventive. Fertility developments in Taiwan and the Netherlands, 1850-1950. Chuang, Y-C., Engelen, T. & Wolf, A. P. (eds.). Amsterdam: Aksant, p. 41-51

Scientific › Chapter

Stemming the tide. Denomination and religiousness in the Dutch fertility transition (1845-1945)

Kok, J. & van Bavel, J. 2006 Culture and the Decline of Fertility. Derosas, R. & van Poppel, F. (eds.). Dordrecht: Springer, p. 83-105

Scientific - peer-review › Chapter


De vermogensontwikkeling van Nederlands grootste industriële bedrijven 1913-1950

van Zanden, J. L., Bloemen, E. S. A., Fransen, A. W. & Kok, J. 1993 Jaarboek voor de geschiedenis van bedrijf en techniek. Vol. 10, p. 133-160

Scientific › Chapter



Conference The Deep Causes of Economic Development

Kok, J. (Organiser)

18 Dec 2014 → 20 Dec 2014

Academic › Conference

Women’s agency in historical family systems

Kok, J. (Speaker)

18 Dec 2014

Academic › Talk or presentation

Conference The Impact of Family and Demography on Labour Relations Worldwide, 1500-2000

Kok, J. (Organiser)

12 Dec 2014 → 13 Dec 2014

Academic › Conference

Introduction.The impact of family and demography on labour relations

Kok, J. (Speaker)

12 Dec 2014

Academic › Talk or presentation

Member manuscriptcommittee & doctoration committee H.van Mierlo, Tabakswerkers, landbouwers en patroons. Ondernemersmacht en arbeiderskracht in een industrialiserende gemeenschap. Valkenswaard 1850-1920.

Kok, J. (Examiner)

11 Dec 2014

Teaching/Examination/Supervision › PhD candidate reviewing/examination

Seventh day of Historical demography. Family and life chances.

Kok, J. (Contributor)

04 Dec 2014

Academic › Workshop, seminar

Verhuizen als bestaansstrategie van de Amsterdamse armen (1890-1940)

Kok, J. (Invited speaker)

27 Nov 2014

Academic › Talk or presentation

Koloniale kadasters als bron: (overleven) op Ceylon in de achttiende eeuw

Kok, J. (Speaker)

31 Oct 2014

Academic › Talk or presentation

workshop Writing Journal Articles

Kok, J. (Participant)

24 Oct 2014

Academic › Workshop, seminar

Expert meeting VIDI project Nature or Nurture (T. de Moor): Universiteit Utrecht

Kok, J. (Participant)

09 Oct 2014

Academic › Workshop, seminar

Launching Conference of the European Society of Historical Demography (ESHD), Alghero, Italy, 25-27 September 2014

Kok, J. (Discussant)

27 Sep 2014

Academic › Conference

Launching Conference of the European Society of Historical Demography (ESHD), Alghero, Italy, 25-27 September 2014

Kok, J. (Contributor)

26 Sep 2014

Academic › Conference

Launching Conference of the European Society of Historical Demography (ESHD), Alghero, Italy, 25-27 September 2014

Kok, J. (Contributor)

26 Sep 2014

Academic › Conference

Life courses and the history of the European family

Kok, J. (Invited speaker)

26 Sep 2014

Academic › Talk or presentation

EHPS-Net International Summer school in Historical demography- Introductory Course

Kok, J. (Teacher)

03 Jul 2014 → 05 Jul 2014

Academic › Teaching activity

Seminar II

Kok, J. (Discussant)

08 May 2014

Academic › Workshop, seminar

European Social Science History Conference

Kok, J. (Speaker)

26 Apr 2014

Academic › Talk or presentation

10th European Social Science History Conference

Kok, J. (Contributor)

23 Apr 2014

Academic › Conference

CLIO INFRA. Charting and explaining the history of global inequality

Kok, J. (Speaker)

31 Mar 2014

Academic › Talk or presentation

Brownbag seminar

Kok, J. (Participant)

05 Feb 2014

Academic › Workshop, seminar

The History of the Family (Journal)

Kok, J. (Editor)

01 Jan 2014 → 31 Dec 2014

Academic › Editorial activity


Internship of Bram Wolters - Project Clio-Infra

Kok, J. (Supervisor), Ribeiro da Silva, F. (Supervisor)


Teaching/Examination/Supervision › Student/Intern supervision

UNKNOWN EVENT, Ex Tempore 31 ,203-205

Kok, J. (Organiser)


Academic › Conference

UNKNOWN EVENT, University Gothenburg

Kok, J. (Organiser)


Academic › Conference

Resources, Religion and Residence as Factors in Old-age Mortality, The Netherlands, 1905-1940

Kok, J. (Speaker)

20 Dec 2012

Academic › Talk or presentation

Oversterfte van vrouwen in Ceylon/ Sri Lanka, achttiende en twintigste eeuw.

Kok, J. (Speaker)

14 Dec 2012

Academic › Talk or presentation

Ahead, not Aloof. Frans van Poppel's Contribution to Agenda-setting in Historical Demography

Kok, J. (Speaker)

11 Dec 2012

Academic › Talk or presentation

Seventh day of Historical demography. Family and life chances.

Kok, J. (Discussant)

04 Dec 2012

Academic › Workshop, seminar

37th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Brisbane, Australia

Kok, J. (Organiser)

04 Nov 2012

Academic › Conference

37th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Brisbane, Australia

Kok, J. (Organiser)

01 Nov 2012

Academic › Conference

Big History. Over de stortvloed van data in ESDG

Kok, J. (Speaker)

06 Oct 2012

Academic › Talk or presentation

2nd MOSAIC Conference Residence Patterns of the Elderly, Boedapest

Kok, J. (Organiser)

07 Jul 2012

Academic › Conference

Workshop Statistieken, FOD Economie, algemene directie statistiek en economische informatie

Kok, J. (Organiser)

20 Jun 2012

Academic › Conference

E-humanities Workshop, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

Kok, J. (Organiser)

13 Jun 2012

Academic › Conference

Thombos: a Unique Source for Sri Lankan History.

Kok, J. (Speaker)

21 May 2012

Academic › Talk or presentation

Mercator Kennisatelier 2007

Kok, J. (Organiser)

14 Apr 2012

Academic › Conference

9th European Social Science History Conference

Kok, J. (Organiser)

13 Apr 2012

Academic › Conference

9th European Social Science History Conference

Kok, J. (Organiser)

13 Apr 2012

Academic › Conference

Digital Sources for the Historical Demography of the 18th Century Sri Lanka

Kok, J. (Keynote speaker)

14 Mar 2012

Academic › Talk or presentation

Historical Demography of Sri Lanka/ Ceylon: New Opportunities

Kok, J. (Speaker)

29 Feb 2012

Academic › Talk or presentation

Trends and Challenges in Family History.

Kok, J. (Speaker)

29 Feb 2012

Academic › Talk or presentation


Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, The Hague

Kok, J. (Organiser)

25 May 2007

Academic › Workshop, seminar