Digitalisation of Indonesia's heritage (former Dutch East Indies)

10 March 2025 - 14:12

At the end of last year, under the leadership of Thijs van Leeuwen and Frank de Jong, the IISH began preparations to digitise collections related to Indonesia/the former Dutch East Indies (Indische collections) and make them available to the Programma Indisch Erfgoed Digitaal (PIED).

This programme focuses on the heritage of the broad Indo-Moluccan community in the Netherlands, covering everyone with roots in Indonesia/the former Dutch East Indies who themselves or whose ancestor(s) came to the Netherlands as a result of the war and post-war developments up to 1967. The digitised archives will be made available through the IISH catalogue and will also be linked to a newly developed platform for Indisch heritage: Parts of the archives of Soerjono (1928-2000), Poncke Princen (1925-2002) and Francisca Fanggidaej (1925-2013) are being prepared by Suzanne HartogJelle Verdijk and Marju Tajur and arranged by Rika.
Simultaneously, within this programme, a project is underway to digitise and make available oral history collections. Harriet is working on improving the metadata of the audio collections on former Dutch East Indies/Indonesia held at the IISH, including interviews with Soerjono, audio material from the Komitee Indonesia collection, and interviews with people who emigrated to Australia. Attention is given to describing the subjects of the recordings, the interviewees and the historical context. In this way, we ensure that multiple perspectives and voices are represented in our collection.

Portrait Francisca C Fanggidaej
Portrait Francisca C Fanggidaej (1966), IISG BG A63/70