Fellowship Prince Dr Sabbar Farman-Farmaian
With the generous support of Farman-Farmaian Family, the IISH launches the fellowship programme named the Prince Dr Sabbar Farman-Farmaian Fellowships for scholars who wish to use its collections for the study of social and economic history of 18-20 century of Iran, whether from a regional, national, or comparative and transnational perspective.
Fellowships are awarded for six months (1 September 2025 – 28 February 2026). This is a call for applications for fellowships for the year 2025/2026. Deadline for applications is 1 May 2025.
Fellows receive a monthly stipend up to € 1,500, depending on the difference in average costs of living between Amsterdam and the country of origin. The fellowship also includes an economy return flight to the Netherlands, visa support, as well as arrangements for accommodation. Cost of health insurance in Amsterdam will be reimbursed.
Minimum requirements/selection criteria:
- An MA degree or higher,
- An updated CV, including home address
- A Research proposal in not more than 500 words
- Academic level English
The fellow's research plan should fit the Institute's focus on social history.
Fellows are expected:
- To write a report on their research activities at the end of the fellowship period,
- To be present at the institute customarily,
- To take part in the activities of the Institute's Research Department,
- To interact with other fellows and the IISH's research staff in the English language,
- To give at least one public lecture,
- To provide an update on your current visa status and to indicate if you require any assistance.
Selection will be made based on the quality and novelty of the proposed research project, its affinity to social history research conducted at the International Institute of Social History, and the applicant's qualifications.
Fellows are expected to present the results of their work both orally to the other members of the Research Department, and in writing with a paper of min. 5000 and max. 8000 words (including notes). It is envisaged that the PDF version of the paper will be published as an occasional paper on the website of the IISH.
Applications should be submitted before 1 May 2025 to jacqueline.rutte@bb.huc.knaw.nl
General information about the IISH can be obtained via http://socialhistory.org.
More information about the fellowship can be obtained from Professor Touraj Atabaki, e-mail: tat@iisg.nl