
The IISH participates in debates about social historical topics. This page gives an overview of these debates.

Buitenhof 12-11-17 | Leo Lucassen vs Geerten Waling

Source Buitenhof (12 november 2017): '' Historian Leo Lucassen criticized the Dutch politician Geert Wilders in a tweet because of his planned walk through Molenbeek in Brussels. It reminded Lucassen of the 1930s. Geerten Waling - also a historian - thinks that Lucassen's comparison of the position of Jews in the 1930s with that of present day Muslims is inappropriate. How far can a historian go and when do you cross the border in this debate? And is it actually scientifically justified to make these kinds of comparisons? ''. [Interview in Dutch]

KennisCafé: Alles van waarde is ... weg?!

Will there be something left to be researched for future historians in a hundred or a thousand years? Or is there less known about our time in the future than we know about ancient Rome now? Are our bytes and tablets just as time resistant as chiselled signs on clay tablets? [debate in Dutch]

Source: De Balie Kenniscafë / Date: 17 november 2014

De Toekomst van Werken #18 - Werken in Netwerken

The 18th edition of the series 'The future of work', organized by the International Institute of Social History (IISH) and Pakhuis de Zwijger, was about 'working in networks'. The trends, practice and future of work (opportunity) were discussed with the panel of experts and those present. Is Working in Networks the realistic future scenario? We asked the audience. [Debate in Dutch]