Aziatische collecties

Ratchaprasong Notes (Say Hi to the Leaders)
I first saw the ‘Say Hi to the Leaders’ signboard during one of my visits to the Rachaprasong protest site in Bangkok, Thailand in April-May 2010. My first and immediate thought was that someone should preserve this. A unique collection of handwritten post-it notes pinned on big plastic sheets made into a signboard, standing on the corner of Rachaprasong in front of the Gaysorn shopping mall. Post-its full with messages to the Red Shirt leaders.
Pemuda Rakyat
About a year ago the IISH bought a flag (banner) of the Indonesian Pemuda Rakyat at an auction. Due to the pandemic the processing of the flag in the catalogue of the IISH was put on hold, but now it is finally accessible (IISG BG L1/501). Pemuda Rakyat (People's Youth) was the youth wing of the Partai Kommunis Indonesia (Communist Party of Indonesia).
Military terror in Thailand, 6 October 1976
Sometimes you stumble upon little surprises. In this case finding a poster in a small donated collection of Indonesia and East Timor related magazines of the Thailand Informations- und Solidaritätskomitee, München (TISK) on the events of 6 October 1976, which were commemorated in Thailand only weeks ago.