IISH Fellow and dataverse win awards

13 September 2023 - 12:22

It's no secret that IISH Fellow Kees Mandemakers is dedicated to his field of expertise. However, it was a big surprise that his international colleagues from the European Society of Historical Demography (ESHD) wanted to put him in the limelight with a special award.

At the fifth congress of the European Society of Historical Demography (ESHD), Mandemakers, together with his good friend George Alter, received the Massimo Livi Bacci career award. This for his decades-long commitment to research projects such as the HSN (35 years), LINKS (10 years), and setting up the IDS and the EHPS network. With this oeuvre award, the ESHD expressed its appreciation for Mandemakers' efforts in the field of historical demography.

Award for Database Suriname & Curaçao

In addition, the Historical Database Suriname & Curaçao won the award for methodical innovation. This Louis Henry Award, which is also part of the ESHD awards gala, pays particular attention to how data collections, constructions of historical demographics and the dissemination of data to international research platforms are made more accessible to the general public.

Although this database is officially part of Radboud University, the collaboration with IISG to make the data publicly available via the IISG Dataverse was explicitly mentioned as one of the reasons for winning the award. A nice compliment to continue investing in open data.

IISH Staff | Kees Mandemakers - Photo by Martin van Welzen