Events archive

This is the events archive.

Vriendenmiddag juni 2024

Vriendenmiddag IISG: Een nieuwe kijk op milieuactivisme op basis van de collecties van het IISG

6 June 2024 15:45

Iedereen is welkom om langs te komen op onze zomervriendenmiddag, op 6 juni. Deze valt midden in de klimaatweek van het Humanities Cluster, waar ook het IISG onder valt. Het programma staat daarom grotendeels in teken van milieuactivisme. De menselijke destructie van onze leefomgeving en alles wat zich daarin bevindt - inclusief archieven - komt aan bod, evenals hoopvolle initiatieven, waarbij wordt ingezet op een betere wereld.

Book presenation Görkem Akgöz

Book Presentation - Görkem Akgöz: In the Shadow of War and Empire

16 May 2024 15:00

This year, Görkem Akgöz published In the Shadow of War and Empire. Industrialisation, Nation-Building, and Working-Class Politics in Turkey in open access. Her book offers a site-specific history of Ottoman and Turkish industrialisation through the lens of a mid-century cotton factory in the “Turkish Manchester,” the name chosen by the Ottomans for the industrial complex they built in the 1840s in İstanbul.

Palestine in Focus II

Palestine in Focus - Reproductive warfare and 'the right to life' in Palestine

15 May 2024 16:00 - 15 May 2024 16:01

“They make death, and I am the labour of life”. These are the words of Palestinian political prisoner Walid Daqqa (1961-2024), written in the voice of his unborn child, Milad, who was conceived of sperm smuggled from Ayalon prison. Daqqa's statement is an insistence on life, and the labour that makes it possible, in the face of the death-making worlds of Israeli settler colonialism. 

Migrant nurses

Labour migration past and present

12 April 2024 00:00

The Center for the History of Migrants (CGM) organizes its annual study day in cooperation with the Center for Migration Law in Nijmegen and is looking for call for presentations.

Presidential elections Russia

Presidential Elections in Russia: Past, Present, Putin

13 March 2024 20:00

17 March Putin is scheduled to be elected president of the Russian Federation for yet another six years in office, in spite of launching a devastating war against Ukraine and letting oppositional politician Alexei Navalny die in prison.

Lecture Harriet Zurndorfer

Lecture Harriet Zurndorfer is cancelled

12 March 2024 16:00

Unfortunately, due to illness the lecture Human Trafficking and Piracy in Early Modern East Asia: Maritime Challenges to the Ming Dynasty Economy, 1370–1565 is cancelled.