Marien van der Heijden
Staff Member Collection Development
- E-mail:
- Department: Collection Development
Studied Art History at the University of Utrecht. He started working at the IISH in 1984, with the Image and Sound department. From 1990 to 1995 he worked at the National Trades Union Museum in Amsterdam, where he organized exhibitions on social history and social art, often with items from the IISH collection.
Returning to the IISH, he became responsible for collection development Image and Sound, including the Institute's collection of Chinese propaganda posters on which he has been working ever since (see ). He headed the department of Digital Projects from 2000 until mid 2008.
From mid 2008 to 2013 he worked on many projects involving digitization of the IISH collections and presenting the results online, such as the digitization project 'Collection De Centrale', and the Social History Portal ( ).
From 2014 until 20024 he was head of the department of Collection Development.
Membership of Boards and Committees
- member of the Coordination Committee of the International Association of Labour History Institutions
- treasurer of the Chinese Posters Foundation
- member of the Editorial Committee of the Biografisch Woordenboek van het Socialisme en de Arbeidersbeweging in Nederland
- member of the Advisory Committee of the Safe Havens for Archives at Risk Initiative