As it happened

Read, watch and listen to the stories and recordings of lectures and events at the IISH.

Handen van Cruquius
Leo Lucassen leest column voor over migratie in Tolhuistuin - maart 2025

Column Leo Lucassen: Day against Racism and Discrimination

21 March 2025 16:00

On March 21, the International Day Against Racism and Discrimination, the National Coordinator on Discrimination and Racism traveled through the Netherlands! Nadia Moussaid, Jerry Afriyie and others exchanged ideas and considered solutions. IISH director Leo Lucassen read a column, which can be read here.

Illuminando de Indische buurt

Illuminando de Indische Buurt: film en gesprek

4 November 2024 11:09

De documentaire Illuminando de Indische Buurt, gemaakt door filmmakers Anna Dabrowska en Alessandra Laitempergher, ging in première in een volle zaal in het IISG in Amsterdam. De documentaire vertelt over de snelle transformatie van de Indische Buurt, gezien door de lens van de kleurrijke Super Sint Maarten Parade. Na de vertoning vond er een gesprek plaats over de geschiedenis en de toekomst van de Indische buurt.

Vlieger kite of transformation

Kite of Transformation meeting dedicated to Iran

28 June 2024 19:41

What is freedom? This was the question Rienke Enghardt of the collective arts organisation Hopebox (HBX) raised at the creative Kite of Transformation gathering about Iran on 24 June. Participants were allowed to draw their answers on a large kite using personal example resulted in an impressive collective artwork, which is now part of the current IISH exhibition Meet Rosa Luxemburg.

Palestine in Focus I

Audio: Palestine in Focus - Part I

13 May 2024 13:22

On 6th March 2024 the IISH organized the first part the series Palestine in Focus in which it discusses the role of boycotts in addressing historical injustices.

Debat over RARA-geschiedenis | IISG

The RARA collection: a history of activism

4 March 2024 12:03

In October 2023 the IISH organised together with artist Pieter Paul Pothoven an open collection event about the history of the notorious Dutch action group RARA.

Handen van Cruquiuseiland

Nu te zien! Film & presentaties: 'De Handen van het Cruquiuseiland'

27 February 2024 15:02

Cruquiuseiland maakte de laatste jaren een transformatie door van industrieterrein naar (luxe) woonwijk. Dit heeft ook gevolgen voor de Openbare Werkplaats die daar al jaren zit, die een professionele werkruimte biedt aan meubelmakers, metaalbewerkers en kunstenaars. Anna Dabrowska, filmmaker en buurtbewoner, maakte hier een korte film over.

Otto and Hermina Huiswoud

Symposium Report: Otto and Hermina Huiswoud: Modern Black Diasporic Radicals

28 December 2023 16:29

The Symposium ‘Otto and Hermina Huiswoud: Modern Black Diasporic Radicals’ took place on the 8th and 9th of September in 2023 in Amsterdam. It was organized by Small Axe, The Black Archives, The International Institute of Social History (IISH) and the Research Center for Material Culture.

Logo Maritime Solidarity: Event on Friday

Maritime solidarities report

28 December 2023 16:01

The Maritime Solidarities Past and Present Conference was hosted at the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam on 22-23 September 2023, supported by the IISH, the University of Pittsburgh, and VU/CLUE+. The organizing Committee consisted of Marcus Rediker, Niklas Frykman, Pepijn Brandon, and Nandita Sharma.