Evenementen archief


Voices in the Justice System: Agency of Victims, Plaintiffs, Witnesses and the Accused in Global Perspective

9 juni 2022 12:00 - 9 juni 2022 18:00

The research group Tolerant Migrant Cities? The Case of Holland 1600-1900 organises in collaboration with the N.W. Posthumus Institute a symposium on agency in the justice system in global perspective on 9 June 2022 at the International Institute of Social History (IISG) in Amsterdam. You can sign up for the symposium until 1 June, by sending an email to tolerantmigrantcities@gmail.com.

The silver mines at Potosi

Lexicon of Commodity Frontiers

25 mei 2022 16:00 - 25 mei 2022 18:00

Keyword Conversation on Extractivism

The third Lexicon of Commodity Frontiers keyword conversation about “extractivism” will take place on 25th of May 2022, from 4 to 6 p.m. (CEST). (Zoom, hosted by IISH, Amsterdam)
Thea Riofrancos will present an overture from her work on the concept of extractivism/extractivismo, followed by commentary offered by Kristina Dietz, Boipelo Bonokwane, Verónica Gago, and researchers of the Environmental Justice Atlas project. We then open the floor to a discussion with the audience.

To attend, please register by emailing jacqueline.rutte@bb.huc.knaw.nl before Wednesday 18 May. 


Posthumus Masterschool & Symposium

8 mei 2022 11:00 - 9 mei 2022 17:30

Are you an early career researcher (PhD, postdoc) working with judicial sources? Are you looking to exchange ideas and discuss the methodological issues around using this particular type of source with other like-minded historians? In June 2022 two upcoming events at the IISH (Amsterdam) may be of interest to you.

General Labour History of Africa

Webinar 'General Labour History of Africa Workers, Employers and Governments, 20th-21st Centuries'

6 mei 2022 14:30 - 6 mei 2022 15:30

General Labour History of Africa
Workers, Employers and Governments, 20th-21st Centuries

Edited by Stefano Bellucci and Andreas Eckert
In collaboration with the ILO Regional Office for Africa

Please register here: https://www.ilo.org/global/research/events-courses/WCMS_842717 to receive the Zoom link.

Bob Pierik

Lecture by Bob Pierik

12 april 2022 15:30 - 12 april 2022 18:00

'Where Was Women’s Work? Gender, Work and Space in Amsterdam, 1650-1790'

  • 12 April
  • 15.30 hours
  • IISH, Max Nettlau Room

Volkskrant IISG Scriptieprijs

24 maart 2022 17:00 - 24 maart 2022 19:00

De Volkskranten het IISG zijn ook dit jaar weer op zoek gegaan naar excellente scripties over een historisch onderwerp. Het IISG stelt € 1.500 beschikbaar voor de winnende scriptie en De Volkskrant plaatst een interview met de winnaar. Op 24 maart vindt de uitreiking plaats! Tim Verlaangeeft een lezing, de genomineerden vertellen over hun scriptie waarna de winnaar bekend wordt gemaakt en daarna is er flamenco muziek en een borrel. 


ARIAS: Set your Compass

17 maart 2022 09:30 - 17 maart 2022 13:00

Set your Compass, Doctorate in the Arts Round Table Discussions & Hinterlands Book Launch

What are the artistic research doctoral degree options in Amsterdam, and how are they organised and assessed? For those looking for doctoral degree programmes, ‘Set Your Compass’ is a day to meet the ARIAS partners and explore artistic doctoral degree trajectories in Amsterdam. Short presentations and several roundtable talks answer and ask questions to those ready to embark on any type of doctorate research in the arts. All that join get a taste and a better understanding of the post-Master research possibilities in Amsterdam – now and in the near future. For pre-reading on doctorate in the arts trajectories in Amsterdam click here.