Research Projects

The IISH conducts research in Project Clusters.

  • Global Labour Relations
  • Commodities, Environment and Labour
  • Social and Economic Inequality
  • Collective Action and Individual Strategies

This is an overview of the Research Projects within the four clusters.

IISH Research | Lippische Ziegler | Lippe Brickmakers | Photo in IISH-collection
IISH Collections | Projects | ANDB staff - Photo from IISH Collection

Diamond Workers Union project

9 May 2019 12:13

The IISH holds the complete archive of the Dutch Diamond Workers Union (Algemene Nederlandse Diamantbewerkersbond (ANDB)).

  • Projectleader: Karin Hofmeester
  • Start: 2018
  • Grant: Monderiaan Fonds
IISH Research | Iran Oil Industry | By Nevit Dilmen (talk) - Own work Family album, Public Domain,

Labour in the Iranian Oil Industry

15 April 2019 15:04

The main objective of this project was to develop an empirical and qualitative understanding of labour as well as labour force in the Iranian oil industry.

Project-leader: Touraj Atabaki

IISH Collections | Historisch Beeldarchief Migranten

The multicultural drama in perspective

4 April 2019 10:17

40 years of lifecycle for migrants and non-migrants in the Netherlands

  • Project lead: Leo Lucassen
  • Grant: € 500,000  (€ 182.540 IISH) by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • Start: 2018
  • Partner: NIDI
HSN projects | Longpop logo


3 April 2019 17:08

LONGPOP: Methodologies and Data Mining techniques for the analysis of Big Data based on Longitudinal Population and Epidemiological Registers

  • Project lead: Kees Mandemakers
  • Start: 2015
  • Grant: € 3.860,731 (€ 510,748 IISH) by the European Research Counsil - Marie Curie - Horizon 2020
De Werf van de Zeeuwse Admirailteit (1776) - source: Rijksmuseum

Naval shipyards: Laboratories of capitalism

1 April 2019 14:01

Naval Shipyards in the Atlantic World as Centers of Innovation in Production, Administration and Labor Control (1720-1870)

  • Project lead: Pepijn Brandon
  • Project start: 2016
  • Grant: € 250,000 (€ 125,000 IISH) by NWO [VENI]
  • Partners: Free University Amsterdam