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IISH Staff | Kees Mandemakers - Photo by Martin van Welzen

IISH Fellow and dataverse win awards

13 September 2023 12:22

It's no secret that IISH Fellow Kees Mandemakers is dedicated to his field of expertise. However, it was a big surprise that his international colleagues from the European Society of Historical Demography (ESHD) wanted to put him in the limelight with a special award.

Redactie van het boek Staat en Slavernij. Foto: © Tessa Posthuma

State and Slavery

15 June 2023 17:00

Confronting study shows Dutch state’s involvement in colonial slavery and its continuing impact

The Dutch state was involved in colonial slavery in the Atlantic and Asian world in an intentional, systematic and sustained way. The impact and afterlives of this continue to affect the Netherlands and other countries all over the world.

Bart de Cort

In Memoriam Bart de Cort

14 June 2023 09:44

We are deeply shocked and saddened by the death of our former colleague Bart de Cort. Bart joined the IISH in 1990 and until he left for Canada in 2006, he worked for almost every department of the Institute.

Pepijn Brandon

Inaugural lecture Pepijn Brandon

7 June 2023 17:11

Last month, Professor of Global Economic and Social History Pepijn Brandon held his inaugural lecture at VU Amsterdam about how large-scale violence has played an extremely important role in the history of capitalism.

Global History

Video: 25 years of Global Labour History

5 June 2023 17:44

On 25 May 2023 the IISH organised an event regarding the past achievements and future perspectives of global labour from the perspectives of Marcel van der Linden and Jan Lucassen, successive directors of research at IISH.

The world of sugar

Publicatie The World of Sugar

15 May 2023 16:59

Suiker zit in bijna alles. Hoe dat komt verklaart IISG-onderzoeker Ulbe Bosma in The World of Sugar: How the Sweet Stuff Transformed Our Politics, Health, and Environment over 2,000 Years (Harvard University Press, 2023). Deze eerste echte wereldgeschiedenis van de suiker legt uit hoe dit aanvankelijk zo dure luxeartikel een vast bestanddeel kon worden in bijna alle industriële voedingsmiddelen.

Queen Mary's Psalter (Ms. Royal 2. B. VII), fol. 78v[1].

Call for Papers: Households as Coercive Labour Regimes

1 March 2023 10:57

International Conference on November 2-3, 2023, by the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS), University of Bonn, Germany, and the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The conference is organized by Stephan Conermann, Karin Hofmeester, Ulbe Bosma and Matthias van Rossum.