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ESSHC goes digital

21 October 2020 10:48

The ESSHC 2020, postponed  to 24-27 March 2021,  goes digital.

We  have decided to change the postponed the ESSHC in March 2021 into an online event.

As a live conference in March 2021 is not a viable option given the ongoing global Covid-19 crisis, we have chosen to go digital. Thus, we want to give the ESSHC community the opportunity to present, discuss, network and stay connected, in a virtual environment.  More information on the ESSHC on the conference website:


Belakhare ham marg bod ham bazgasht : 21 azar.

New posters from Iran about the 1946 crisis

16 October 2020 12:45

NB: a version of this text in Farsi is downloadable as pdf below!

One of the early events that mark the beginning of the Cold War played out in the northwestern province of Iran, Azerbaijan, widely referred to as the 1946 crisis. A number of recently acquired posters in the collection of the International Institute of Social History (IISH) provide a colorful image of the way in which the 1946 crisis was perceived and propagated by the Iranian state in the following decade in the context of the Cold War.

Open Archief 2020

Open Archive 2020-21

25 September 2020 14:41

IISH is joining a new edition of Open Archive that launches this autumn.

Amsterdame Poort

Railway Sleepers

22 September 2020 10:01

On 10 September Ivo Zandhuis defended his dissertation Motivation for striking at the Central Maintenance Workshop in Haarlem, the Netherlands during the Dutch national railway strikes of 1903, at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

De Waarheid

Communistische verzetsstrijders in

21 September 2020 13:40

Van ruim duizend oorlogsslachtoffers is informatie over betrokkenheid bij het communistisch verzet toegevoegd aan Bronnen over bijvoorbeeld lidmaatschap van de Communistische Partij van Nederland (CPN) staan daarmee in context van andere bronnen over persoonlijke gebeurtenissen in oorlogstijd, zoals arrestatie en gevangenschap. Voormalig CPN-partijsecretaris Joop IJisberg: “De toevoeging van het CPN-archief aan levert een prachtige toegang tot andere bronnen over deze verzetsmensen op”.

Unox bronnen

Collecties Unox Oss: Een Oproep

16 July 2020 17:05

Het IISG is opzoek naar mensen uit de Unox-fabriek. Stond of staat u tussen 1970 en 2020 op de werkvloer in Oss? En heeft u daar materiaal van liggen? Meld u dan bij ons.

El Partido Socialista Argentino 1896 - 1912

Book release: 'El Partido Socialista Argentino 1896 - 1912'

13 July 2020 13:02

We are very happy to announce the publication of new book El Partido Socialista Argentino 1896 - 1912, by researcher Lucas Poy. The book describes the social and political history of the Argentine Socialist Party between its foundation and the law of Sáenz Peña.

Stuttgart public library

KNAW Humanities Cluster builds Diamond Open Access platform for scientific journals

2 July 2020 16:59

On 1 July, the KNAW Humanities Cluster will begin the design and construction of an Open Access journals platform, The platform aims to offer a solution for independent Dutch scientific journals. offers them a low-threshold route to becoming Open Access. The realization of this platform is possible thanks to a three-year project grant from NWO. The platform is expected to go live at the end of 2020.

Oproep Bijlmerbewoners

The IISH supports the worldwide ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests

17 June 2020 12:03

The IISH supports the worldwide 'Black Lives Matter' protests against racism and discrimination. The Institute was founded in 1935, at a time of rising fascism, with the aim of saving the archives of social movements and thinkers who stand up for human rights.