Revolution that was forbidden

09 February 2015 - 16:05

Maurice Ferares (* 1922) is a violinist by profession, was active in the trade union of Soundartists, in the Trotskyist Fourth International and the Social Democratic Center.

His novel Violist in het Verzet (1991) is about his experiences as a Jewish person in hiding and a participant in the artist's movement. He also wrote Het Latrinecommando (1999) and Het Avondconcert (1999).

This time in De Revolutie die Verboden werd. Indonesië, 1945-1949 (Publisher Abigador, Amsterdam 2014) Fereras has taken the Indonesian independence struggle as his theme. The book, dedicated to Henk Sneevliet, tries to answer the question why the struggle for independence did not lead to the conquest of power by workers and poor farmers. What was the role of political parties in Indonesia and the Netherlands, and of international organizations, in particular the Communist International?

The author used a multitude of archives at the IISH, including, of course, the archive of Henk Sneevliet and that of the Revolutionary Communist Party, in which he himself was active.

  • M. Ferares, De Revolutie die Verboden werd. Indonesië, 1945-1949 (Uitgeverij Abigador, Amsterdam 2014)
  • You can order the book with or through the Publisher
IISH Collections | Bookblog | Maurice Ferares