On the Waterfront 15
On the Waterfront is the semi-annual magazine of the IISH. This is issue 15
On the Waterfront : newsletter from the Friends of the IISH
Authors: Jan Lucassen, Mieke IJzermans
Place of publication: Amsterdam
Year: 2007 / Issue: 15 / Format: 15 pp.
Including Presentations about "Local Social Democracy"
Gilles Borrie - 'A Century of Social-democratic City Politics (1907 - 2007)'
Ed van Thijn - 'Ups and downs in social-democratic municipal politics'
Lectures held on 21 June 2007, p. 11-15
The highlight of this issue may be the report of the meeting on 21 June, which after all was initiated by Gilles Borrie, one of our original Friends. His tremendous involvement in the Partij van de Arbeid (PvdA, the Social Democratic Party of the Netherlands) politics, combined with his scholarly- historical interest in this subject, led him to suggest the history of local social democracy as the subject for this day.
It has been elaborated here for the Netherlands and for Amsterdam in particular, although the Dutch experiences undoubtedly have a far broader validity. We hope that our foreign friends and readers will identify with the stories of prominent PvdA officials, such as Gilles Borrie (who served as mayor of Eindhoven, in addition to other offices) and Ed van Thijn (who was mayor of Amsterdam and later a minister in the Dutch government).
The items from Borrie’s personal collection, intended for the IISH collections, as well as the presence of many PvdA members, added a special touch to the meeting. Perhaps we will even welcome some of them as new Friends of the IISH.